Pursuant the launch of EasyWeed® EcoStretch™, EasyWeed Stretch is being discontinued.
We are unable to replenish any color once inventory is depleted.
All sales are final.
Quite Possibly the Most Underutilized and Versatile HTV – EVER!
For all of you who were in love with our Craft Perfect® Heat Transfer Vinyl (no longer available), we dare you to open up your hearts and give EasyWeed Stretch a try!
You'll find it’s …
- stretchy as a five minute chewed Bazooka® bubblegum
- available in 34 fun colors
- “layerable” etc.
But there’s so much more EasyWeed Stretch can do!
It …
- adheres to spandex, leather, cotton/polyester blends, Lycra® … in short, to pretty much any substrate: stretchy or not
- is the perfect match to create that coveted, super popular “embossed” look when placed atop Brick600
- doesn’t crack or peel when stretched like other materials but rather: returns to its original state.
So yes, we think EasyWeed Stretch is THE best kept secret around – and now we shared it with you. Go ahead, give it a try – and if you like it, “stretch the word”!
1 Review Write a Review
Great material to work with
Material weeds great, unlike the ecostretch which rips apart and is very time consuming to weed. It was also great to be able to get the same colors as what the old Happy Crafters in house vinyl was. (P.S. That was really the king of htv)